The speed of change continues to impact every aspect of brand marketing. In just the last few years, brands have had to deal with a continued decline in consumer attention spans, ongoing changes to store formats and layouts; the explosion of omnichannel, pick-and-pack, click-and-collect and other new methods of sales and fulfillment — even the gradual disappearance of the cash register. With many traditional players falling by the wayside, companies that have weathered all of this disruption are exhibiting agility and an ability to innovate.
Yet there is more change to come. The future of retail will involve even faster structural changes driven by the "end of inventory" (via 3D printing), the rapid evolution of "last mile" delivery tools, the continued collapse of product life cycles and even greater challenges to brand longevity due to the relentless rise of faster, more nimble competitors. In this keynote session, futurist Jim Carroll will tell us what's on the horizon for retailers and brands, and how innovation will be the key ingredient for future success.