League of Leaders Workshop
What Gets Measured Gets Funded: Developing ROI Standards and Tools for Shopper Marketing
Despite the critical role it now plays for both the marketing and sales functions, and in spite of ongoing efforts to incorporate the practice into traditional marketing mix models, shopper marketing remains hindered by a lack of industry standards and tools to adequately demonstrate its value to consumer goods and retail organizations — especially its value as a true brand-building activity.
To address this crucial need, members of the Path to Purchase Institute’s Advisory Board have launched an initiative to drive an industry-wide level of understanding of shopper marketing’s value by introducing a standard approach to measurement and a universal tool to accomplish this critical reporting. In this working session, League of Leaders members will be updated on the work that has already been conducted and be asked to provide their own perspective and insights on how best to make this effort a reality that will benefit professionals throughout the retail industry.
Heidi Froseth, Omnicommerce Industry Leader & Consultant
Rob Rivenburgh, CEO North America, The Mars Agency