Protecting Long-Term Margin Growth by Building Ownable Online Shopping Experiences
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Sylvain Perrier

Thought Leadership

One out of five U.S. shoppers bought groceries online in 2019, according to a recent study from FMI. Responding to the rapidly growing demand among shoppers for convenience and time savings, many retailers have turned to third-party marketplace solutions for home delivery to quickly ramp up their online shopping experiences. But while third-party players can offer impressive gains, grocery retailers have a lot to lose by putting all of their e-commerce eggs into one basket. 


Attendees of this session will learn: 

--The benefits and risks of working within a “walled garden” marketplace. 

--How grocery retailers can and should own and control every aspect of their shopper’s journey, from engagement to pick-up and delivery.

-- Step-by-step, how to launch a profitable eCommerce experience that you own and control.