Thursday, October 20, 2022, 8:25 AM - 8:45 AM
Tomorrow's Shopping Era: From Community Commerce to Commerceverse

2021 saw the continued acceleration of social and e-commerce, as well as the formation of a new era of shopping called Community Commerce, blending creators, community, shopping and entertainment. As more brands are leveraging new technology, cryptocurrency, NFTs and entering new environments like the metaverse, this session will explore how social commerce will give way to the “commerceverse” as people move from entertainment to purchase. And as consumers look to build out their environment with virtual goods and experiences, brands will have the opportunity to connect with consumers in a surround-sound way.
Attendees will:

  • Learn about the opportunities the metaverse and Web3 afford brands and how they can best maximize success.
  • Hear from two leading brands in the space as they speak to best practices and examples.
  • Understand the nuances of Web3 and how commerce will evolve and take shape in this new environment.